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摘要: 在上海合作组织峰会召开之际,由中国中央广播电视总台与哈萨克斯坦旅游和体育部合作拍摄的人文探访纪录片《共同的梦想》(3集),7月2日起,将在中国与哈萨克斯坦两国主流媒体面向全球播出。《共同的梦想》聚焦人文 ...



The Shared Dream, documentary co-produced by China and Kazakhstan, to air globally/ China, Kazakhstan co-produced film to mark SCO Summit 2024 

On the occasion of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation Summit 2024, The Shared Dream, a documentary on cultural explorations, will be released globally on mainstream media starting July 2, marking a milestone in the region’s shared cultural history.

The three-episode documentary, jointly produced by the China Media Group and the Ministry of Tourism and Sports of Kazakhstan, provides a unique perspective into the cultural customs of major cities of Kazakhstan, such as capital Astana, Almaty, Shymkent and Turkestan. It also showcases the diverse exchanges between China and Kazakhstan, delving into different aspects of culture, scientific research, trade, sports, and more. 

A compelling feature of the documentary is the stories of friendship between the two nations evolving in the two decades since the founding of the SCO. The friendship between Chinese composer Xian Xinghai and his Kazakh mentor Bakhytzhan Baikadamov, the bond between the two nations created by table tennis, and the research on tulips, for which Kazakhstan is famous, on Mt Tai, one of China’s sacred mountains, highlight the remarkable bilateral exchanges and the underlining determination and unremitting efforts of the three golden decades of China-Kazakhstan relations .

The Shared Dream will air globally from July 2 to July 6 on the Global Chinese Language Program Center(CCTV4) and Kazakh media outlet Khabar Agency’s TV channel. 


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