[flash]http://http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTA5MzI5NjA4.html[/flash]window.addEventListener("resize",new Function("event","adjustLKMediaDiv(event);"),false)function juiceapp_bx(x, y, w, h) { this.l = x; this.r = x + w; this.t = y; this.b = y + h; }function cBB(o) { var b = new juiceapp_bx(0, 0, 0, 0); if (!o) return b; var x = 0, y = 0, p = o; try{ do { y+=p.offsetTop || 0; x+=p.offsetLeft || 0; p = p.offsetParent||p.parentNode; }while(p); }catch(e){} b.l = x; b.t = y; return b; }function adjustLKMediaDiv(event){var divs = document.getElementsByName('lk_juiceapp_mediaPopup_div');for(i=0;i0){for(var k=0;k0){for(var k=0;k<objects.length;k++){embs[embs.length]=objects[k];}}else{embs=objects}for(j=0;j<embs.length;j++){var emb = embs[j];if (emb.getAttribute('lk_media')!='yes'){continue;}if(emb.getAttribute('lk_mediaId') == d.id){var b = cBB(emb);d.style.left=(b.l+emb.clientWidth)+'px';d.style.top=(b.t+emb.clientHeight/2-30)+'px';break;}//end of if emb
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