Some married men love shopping. They adore it. But some absolutely abhor it. And in China, there's a special place wives can ditch them: husband storage!
Called "laogong jicun chu" in Chinese, which literally means "husband cloakroom," the rest stations are for husbands who are either knackered from shopping or for those who would rather spend their time doing something else.
The husband cloakrooms seem to have sprung up in cities like Shenzhen around 2010. Recently, photos of a newly opened husband cloakroom in Guigang City have appeared online in China.大约在2010年前后,“老公寄存处” 在深圳这样的城市相继涌现。近日,广西贵港市一家新开的“老公寄存处”的照片被发布在中国的网页上。The rest areas vary, with some offering a place to watch TV, smoke, or surf the net. Others offer food and drinks to order and books and magazines to read. Some just have benches for the men to sit and think.这些提供休息的地方各不相同,有的可以看电视、抽烟或上网;有的提供可选购的食品和饮料,并有书籍和杂志可阅读。有些只能让男人们坐在凳子上思考人生。Husband storage doesn't exist in every Chinese shopping center—as Kotaku's Beijing-based reporter Eric Jou points out, he hasn't seen them in Shanghai, Beijing, or Guangzhou.并不是每个购物中心都有“老公寄存处”。正如Kotaku网站驻北京记者埃里克·周所说,他在上海、北京和广州没见过这样的“寄存处”。