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学生作文虚构枪杀恐龙 学校竟报警

发表于 2014-8-25 08:19:28 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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When a South Carolina student was given an assignment by his teacher to create a Facebook-type status report telling something interesting about himself, he allegedly wrote “I killed my neighbor’s pet dinosaur. I bought the gun to take care of the business.”

School officials were alarmed by 16-year-old Alex Stone’s words and called police. Now Stone and his mother Karen Gray are speaking out to media as they feel the school overreacted.

“I could understand if they made him rewrite it because he did have ‘gun’ in it,” Gray told the NY Daily News. “I mean first of all we don’t have dinosaurs anymore. Second of all, he’s not even old enough to buy a gun.”

The cops took Stone in for questioning and searched his locker and backpack for guns. None were found.

Police told My Fox Chicago that Stone was difficult during questioning and they arrested him and charged him with disturbing the school. Stone was also suspended from Summerville High School for a week.
警方告诉My Fox Chicago的记者,斯通在询问中不太配合,他们现已拘留了他并指控他扰乱学校秩序。同时,斯通被其所在的学校萨默维尔高中停课一周。

While Gray says she understands the gravity of the issue, the mother wishes the school handled things differently.

“If the school would have called me and told me about the paper and asked me to come down and discussed everything and, at least, get his point-of-view on the way he meant it. I never heard from the school, never. They never called me,” said Gray.

While Stone wishes he’d turned in a different assignment, he’s frustrated with the school and would prefer to be home-schooled moving forward.

“I regret it because they put it on my record, but I don’t see the harm in it,” Stone told My Fox Chicago.”I think there might have been a better way of putting it, but I think me writing like that, it shouldn’t matter unless I put it out towards a person.”

Gray says her son is allowed to return on Monday.


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