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[闲谈] 英式吐槽:英国人才懂的爱称与骂名(双语)

发表于 2015-3-30 11:21:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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  It is often said that the British don't like showing emotion.It's certainly the case that - at least while sober - we dosometimes struggle to display affection towards our nearest anddearest, shunning gushy displays. A very common strategy fordealing with this emotional repression, however, which certainlybaffles outsiders, is our tendency to show love through mildabuse.Hearing Brits refer to their family, friends, or evenpartners with seemingly offensive expressions may be surprising atfirst, but, more often than not, these are in fact affectionate,endearing terms. Here are five commonly heard'insults' that areactually pretty friendly – and will bamboozle any English speakersfrom outside of the UK。

Victoria_&_Albert_Museum_Entrance,_London,_UK_-_Diliff.jpg 英国人才懂的爱称与骂名



  'Billy' is a common shortening of the boy's name 'William'. KingWilliam IV (4th) in the 1800s was well-knownfor his rambling,nonsensical speeches and foolish manner, and so came to be known as'Silly-Billy'. The phrase caught on, perhaps because of its catchyrhyme, and 'silly-billy' is now used as a term of endearment whensomeone's being a little daft. As in - 'He only started his essaythis morning and the deadline's in an hour?! What asilly-billy!'



  One of my favourites, as my Dad would use it pretty liberallytowards me and my brother when we were children.Referring to aperson who's done something silly without putting in much thought -perhaps 'Your homework's in the washing machine again?! Youchump!'Apparently, 'chump' can be thought of as a mix of the words'chunk' and 'lump'- so basically, things that are, like a chump, abit dense。



  According to the 'Online Etymology Dictionary', 'twit' was oncea verb, meaning to blame or reproach someone. It then developedinto a noun - unsurprisingly, describing someone that neededblaming or reproaching for being foolish. There's a popularchildren's book in the UK called 'TheTwits', which describes areally nasty old couple who just play tricks on each other. Thismay have brought the word into common usage, but its everydayapplication is still quite affectionate, used towards someonenowhere near as horrible as the characters。



  According to a 2007 poll, 'numpty' is Scotland's favourite word,but it's also used throughout the wider UK. It supposedly derivesfrom the now outdated word 'numps', meaning stupid. So, a 'numpty'is a bit of an idiot - 'She walked 3 miles to return the book butleft it at home?! The numpty'。



  Someone who's a wally is probably also a bit of a chump -theyjust haven't thought things through very well. The story behind itsoriginis a little dubious, but urban-legend has it that, at a 1960smusic-festival, a festival-goer (or, in some accounts, his dog)named Wally got lost. The search for him lasted all weekend, andleft the entire festival audience shouting 'Wally! Wally!'. It musthave stuck. Interestingly, the US quiz book 'Where's Waldo?' iscalled 'Where's Wally?' in the UK, probably because 'Wally' has theconnotations of being silly, just like the book itself。


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