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老外看中超:比赛真心精彩 足协管理不可理喻

发表于 2012-3-16 03:53:29 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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“比赛真心精彩 足协和管理不可理喻”——Brandon Chemers(美国)This season it appeared like the CSL had finally gotten it’s act together when a full schedule was released shortly after Spring Festival. For a major football fan, the release of the schedule is one of the biggest off-pitch things each year. It gives them a chance to mark down the days of big derby matches and start thinking about away travel plans.经过春节之后短暂的休假,本赛季的中超联赛终于再次拉开帷幕,赛程也随之浮出水面。对于一个铁杆球迷来说,每年赛事赛程的公布日都是非常重要的,赛程表可以帮助他们确定重要比赛场次的时间,然后根据球队客场时间的安排来决定自己远途旅行的计划。Unfortunately, that schedule was very quickly removed from most websites and disappeared, only for a revised schedule to reappear just under two weeks before the start of the season.但是不幸的是,距离本赛季中超开赛不到两周时间,本赛季的赛程表却从各大媒体网站上消失了,理由居然是因为赛程表的时间要重新来安排。This year, there were plenty of “good” reasons why the schedule release was delayed so long. There were unique issues with two clubs changing cities just a short time before the start of the season and even some government influence that led to the changes.对今年来说,有两支球队在开赛前很短的时间尚未确定球队的主场城市,甚至还涉及到一些政府的因素在内,这些都是催生本赛季赛程表发放推迟的原因。However, this year with the corruption trials going on in the northeast, fans were hoping for a clean, smooth start to the new season. There was hope of that when the schedule was first released, earlier than usual, but when it “officially” came out so close to the season start, it felt like nothing had changed.因为在东北正在有足协的那些腐败案子,所以球迷更希望今年的新赛季能干净顺利的开始,但就在赛程公布的这件小事上,足协又给了球迷一次巨大的打击,我们真的迎来了一个干净的联赛了吗?Compare that to the United States’ MLS, which also kicked off this past weekend. The league’s entire schedule (including specific dates and times) was released the first week of January. As a foreign fan of the CSL, this is the degree of organization that I’m used to and would like to see from the league.与之相比,同样在上周拉开新赛季大幕的美国职业大联盟,早在一月的第一周就已经公布了新赛季的赛程,包括了详细的比赛日时间和对战表。作为一个中超联赛的外国球迷,也只能遗憾的表示已经习惯中超组织者的管理模式。Ticketing is another point of contention for foreign fans. Each team does things differently, but one thing is definitely common, very little news comes out about when, where, and how fans can buy season tickets, then the process suddenly begins and ends. In Shanghai, despite the arrival of big name Nicolas Anelka, only 4,000 season tickets were sold, limited to the purchase of supporter section tickets and “VIP” tickets. That simply doesn’t make sense. One would think if you have the league’s biggest ever star, you would do whatever you could to allow more fans to easily come out and see him play.票务问题也是中超联赛的外国球迷们所关注的焦点。每一支中超球队都有着自己的管理模式,但是他们之间有一点是相同的,就是散发给球迷们的票务信息量很少,通常球迷们不知道在何时何地通过何种方式去买到赛季套票,然后突然的才会发现票已经卖完了。在上海,虽然有着阿内尔卡的加盟,但是本赛季上海申花也只卖出了4000张赛季套票,而且都是卖给了球迷会和VIP。我认为这是不可理喻的,如果你的球队来个一位国际球星,那么你应该做的是让更多的球迷走进球场,来欣赏他的表演。Beijing’s fan base is very deep and their season ticket processs came down to a raffle after nearly 40,000 fans submitted ticket applications. I have no problem with the raffle process, though it often leads to families being split up or a wife with season tickets and her husband without them. My problem is that loyalty isn’t considered.。北京有着很深厚的球迷文化基础,他们的套票出售是按照摇号的方式来决定的,今年他们有四万名球迷提交了申请表。我对摇号本身没有问题,虽然这样做可能导致一对球迷家庭妻子买到了套票去了球场,而比赛日的时候丈夫只能坐在家里看球了。我想说的是,这样一来,你会发现你少了很多死忠的球迷。In the US, season ticket holders from the previous year have first chance to buy season tickets for the new season. This creates problems of its own, fans who don’t have a season ticket but want one have to wait 10 years in some case before they can get one. But it rewards a fan’s loyalty, whereas Guoan’s raffle process results in people who’ve held a season ticket for many years to end up ticketless.在美国,新赛季套票的优先购买权往往是给那些持有上赛季套票的球迷们。这一制度当然也存在着问题,这样一来可能导致有点球迷要等上十年才能买得到球队的赛季套票。Another example, Beijing is to host Shanghai on Friday night in the season opener and a massive “China derby.” After Gongti’s expansion, the stadium probably seats close to 70,000, but when you combine single match tickets and season tickets, only 34,000 or so tickets were made available. This is despite demand that would probably be enough to fill the entire stadium. Why not sell tickets for every seat?另外举一个例子,本周五的晚上工体将上演国家德比,北京国安将在主场迎战上海申花。工体扩张之后,座位席数将达到70000个,但你算一下卖出的散票和季票的话,会发现只有34000张,那么为什么不能卖出更多的球票来提高球场的上座率呢?With all that said, it was a great first week of the 2012 season (even though Guoan lost), a big crowd in Guiyang saw a very exciting match, a good match in Shanghai, and very impressive performances from Conca and Yu Hanchao. The CSL may be somewhat disorganized, but once its time to play the games, the product delivers plenty of joy for the fans. Let’s hope for another great weekend of football, and one final thought going into the China derby, 9-1! 总体来说,新赛季中超的第一周还是非常精彩的,虽然国安输球了。但是贵州给大家奉献了一场精彩的比赛,当然不能忘了孔卡和于汉超的精彩表现。球场外的中超可能会有点混乱,但是在球场上,它会给球迷们带来更多的惊喜和愉快,让我们期待接下来的这一个伟大的足球周末!《老外看中超》栏目简介:在中超迎来崭新纪元的2012年,雅虎体育特约驻扎在中国的外国友人们来谈一谈他们眼中的中超。他们是足球领域内的行家,也是每场比赛必看的中超各球队的球迷,我们希望分享他们的所见所想,来告诉中国球迷一个不一样的中超,同时促进中西方文化的交流。足球的道路上,我们携手同行。


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