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Selfies have become ubiquitous over the past few years, with everyone from pop stars to the president of the United States jumping on the bandwagon - but turns out the photo craze is at least a century old.
Writer and photographer Tom Byron has shared with the Internet community a handful of 'selfies' taken by his great-grandfather dating back to 1909.作家兼摄影师汤姆·拜伦在网络社区上分享了几张自己曾祖父的“自拍照”。这些照片拍摄于1909年,已逾百岁。
Unlike today's compact smartphones and slender tablets, taking a selfie a hundred years ago was a complicated task that required the photographer to hold a large, boxy apparatus in front of him.不同于今天便携的智能手机和轻薄的平板电脑,百年前的“自拍”是一项繁琐的工程:你必须在面前举着一个大盒子一样的设备。
The resulting images appeared disordered and out of proportion, similar to a reflection in a fun-house mirror.举着早期照相机拍出来的自拍照看起来有些不协调,与人的身体并不相称,有点类似哈哈镜的镜像。
In the prints aged by time, Mr Byron Clayton, a bespectacled, moustached gentleman, is depicted smiling for the camera in his hand alongside his friends all dressed in impeccable suits and bowler hats.在这张标有时间的自拍照上,拜伦·克莱顿先生就是那位戴着眼镜、蓄着胡须的绅士。照片上的拜伦·克莱顿先生面带微笑地举着照相机,和他的朋友们一起,穿着得体的西装,戴着圆顶礼帽。
Joseph Byron Clayton died in 1923, after which his son took over the Byron Company and continued to run it successfully until the middle of World War II, when business experienced a downturn and the company closed for good in October 1942.约瑟夫·拜伦·克莱顿先生于1923年离世,之后他的儿子继承了拜伦公司(摄影公司)并经营了下去。直到二次大战中期,公司面临萧条,于1942年10月永久关闭。Tom Byron, a married father of three, who earned several college degrees in economics, followed in his ancestors’ footsteps, working as a photographer until 2010, when he retired.汤姆·拜伦现在是三个孩子的父亲,他拿了好几个经济学文凭,但还是追随了自己祖辈的足迹。他一直是一名摄影师,直到2010年退休。