l Be on your school, college or university’s letter-headed paper
l Confirm you are enrolled on a full-time course consisting of at least 15 tuition-led or structured learning hours a week, for at least 14 weeks
l Provide details of your placement and its start and end dates
l Be signed by a person in authority (for example, the registrar, bursar, university secretary or head of student services)
Transport for London
Admail 4121
London SW1P 1AT
拿到学生Oyster卡之后,可以加交通卡、巴士电车通,或者直接在卡里面充值(Pay as you go),就可以开始使用了!Pay as you go跟成人的票价一样,所以加交通卡、巴士电车通到你的学生Oyster卡里才有优惠!如果使用Pay as you go,记住进出要嘀卡,无论是搭乘什么交通工具都一定会有嘀卡的黄色读卡机,特别是出口的时候,忘记嘀卡会收最高费用!