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The hottest looks for autumn/winter 2015 menswear will be statement jumpers, sheer trousers... and plastic bag hats。 2015秋冬季最潮的打扮将会是套头衫,单色裤……还有,额,塑料袋帽子。 At least that's the message coming from the house of Christopher Shannon judging by his presentation at London Collections: Men this weekend。 至少这条潮流导向来自这周末克里斯托弗·香农的伦敦男装时装展上的展示。 The young Liverpudlian designer sent many of his male models down the runway with their heads and faces covered in corner shop carrier bags. The unlikely accessory was also seen fashioned into pretty neck ties or jewellery by the show's co-stylist Judy Blame。 这名年轻的利物浦设计师让他的多名男模走上T台,整个头部和脸部都戴着街角小卖部里的塑料袋。这个震惊四座的配件经时装展的合作设计师——朱迪·布莱恩之手,还可以很欢寻的变成漂亮的领带或是珠宝饰物。
1.One of his looks for autumn winter 2015 is a tracksuit is covered in stick-on name tags topped off with a white carrier bag。 他2015秋冬季的潮流打扮之一就是上面贴满名称标签的运动服,头上顶个白色购物袋。
2.The collection featured sombre slogans such as 'Broke', 'Broken', 'Save Me', and 'Thanks 4 Nothing'。 时装展暗黑的口号有“打破”,“坏掉了”,“救救我”,还有“感谢个啥”。
3.In terms of colour and thread the theme at Sibling this season was definitely Cheshire Cat。 Sibling在用色和贯彻的主题方面,这一季度的主打当然是柴郡猫了。 For AW15, the trio who make up Sipling presented a pink and punky collection of striped jumpers and scarves, socks and striped animal toys all made from candy-coloured yarn。 2015秋冬时装展,Sipling打造的是粉色和带火绒的套装——都由糖果色纱线织成的条纹套头衫和围巾,袜子,还有带条纹的动物玩偶。
4.Some jumpers had a sports sweatshirt-inspired look, while others were intentionally holey with cobwebby loose weaves。 一些套头衫有着很运动系的感觉,而其他的则故意做成有很多洞洞的,蜘蛛网状的宽松纺织物。
5.It was all beaded headdresses, blonde finger waves and diamond necklaces at Fashion East this weekend。 这周Fashion East时装展上遍布珠状的头饰,亚麻色波浪卷,还有钻石项链。
6.Fashion East showcased deconstructed pinstriped ensembles comprised of sleeveless tops and short trousers, worn with Nike sneakers。 Fashion East展出的解构的细条纹布料套装,包含了无袖上衣和短裤,配上耐克运动鞋。 |