baked, fried, steamed, boiled and mashed. These are just a selection of the different ways British people eat potatoes. Their love affair with te brown vegetable means the average Briton consumes 103kg of potatoes every year. Patatoes have been a staple of Britain's diet since the 16th century. They are an integral part of nearly all of Britain's favorite meanls, including fish and chips.
英国: 土豆
烤, 炸, 蒸, 煮, 还有捣碎. 这些只是英国人烹饪土豆的方式. 英国人对这种褐色蔬菜的狂爱从每年人均103公斤的土豆消费量便可见一斑. 从16世纪开始,土豆就是英国人的主食. 包括炸鱼配薯片一起, 成了英国人一日三餐不可或缺的最爱.