中医medicina tradizionale cinese大部分的人可能认为,就是指中国的传统医学。其实这是一个误区 un luogo comune, 中国有56个民族,事实上我们常常讲的中医是针对几千年的汉族的传统医学而言,不包括以注重尿诊的藏医或其它蒙医傣医等少数民族传统医学,虽然汉医与藏医也有很多共同之处,如舌诊,热疗,放血疗法等。在藏医中,值得一提的是,藏药红花cartamina的地位如同中医中的艾叶foglie di artemisia不可忽视, 藏药红花的泡脚药料改善睡眠与血压,是各中药店的热销品。
罗马的XINSHU针灸协会同时也向意大利的医生传授四年的中医课程,这是他们的几段话:Chinese tranditional medicine is based on the premise, that there is no absolute truth . Often Taoismo is used because it is more articulated and complex. Dreaming of flying is typical of the Lung or Metal QI. Dreaming of vast desert spaces is typical of the Spleen or Earth QI.
Zheng Qi is governed by the quality of breathing, diet and sleep. Between the inspiration and the expiration there is a moment of void when we can insert the needle. When I need to disperse a fullness I will needle afther the patient takes a deep breath.