本帖最后由 西华 于 2013-12-11 17:58 编辑
When Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) made its first visit to China almost nine years ago, it was hard to imagine what the future would bring. Since that time, around three hundred research scholars have been exchanged between UPM and China at the levels of Masters, PhD, and Postdoc, for periods ranging from six to ten months. In addition, more than a hundred Masters or PhD degree-seeking students have moved between UPM and China, more than half of them thanks to the
generous support of the China Scholarship Council. And around two hundred UPM and Chinese professors have visited their counterparts in the other country.
Currently UPM has over two hundred Chinese students at all levels, and this number is growing rapidly. About one fourth are PhD degree-seeking students whose research efforts are of vital importance not only to help maintain the high technical level of our University, but also to develop and strengthen academic and scientific ties between UPM and Chinese Institutions.
The recently established Chinese Students Association at UPM will be of great help to Chinese students in the University, and also to Spanish students with interest in China. Our Chinese-Spanish students have done magnificent work and their dedication and generosity through the years have been crucial for the success of UPM's efforts in China. The production of this manual for new Chinese students arriving to UPM is only one small example of their cooperation with the aid of the Chinese Students Association and, in particular, our current and past Chinese students, UPM expects to rapidly increase the numbers of Chinese nationals researching and studying in its university, on a par with our partner universities in Europe.
For all of the above, I am pleased and honored to have been invited to write
this brief preface.
Angel Alvarez
Associate Vice-Rector for International Relations with Asia
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
February 2013