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本帖最后由 gou_175557512 于 2014-1-17 13:43 编辑
新消息:得到了芬兰机场passport control的官方回复了。看来上次和我说我的纸必须要换的小哥也还是个半吊子啊。。。贴出来给大家经常来回跑的人也留个经验吧。为了阅读方便,下面邮件里面绿色和蓝色标出的文件类型是申根区接受的意大利的居留许可,话说蓝色的就是我的许可哈。看来要把邮件打印一份下次路过赫尔辛基的时候有人刁难我就拿出来给他们看才行。
Dear Adriana, Your inquiry was forwarded from airport operator Finavia to the Finnish Border Guard as we are the responsible authority for border control in Finland. You have inquired about transiting via Helsinki Airport when travelling between China and Italy and the acceptability of your "Italian permission of staying". Border control at the external borders of the Schengen area is conducted in accordance to EC Regulation No 562/2006 (Schengen Borders Code). As you are aware, all persons undergo border checks at the external borders. The provisions stipulate that third-country nationals must be in possession of a travel document valid for crossing the border accompanied, where applicable, by the requisite visa or residence permit.
Visa requirements are outlined in EC Regulation No 539/2001. Generally Chinese nationals require a visa for short-stay and a residence permit or long-stay visa for longer periods of stay in the Schengen area.
According to Article 34 point 1 a of the Schengen Borders Code, Member States must notify the European Commission of the list of residence permits issued by Member States. The list can be found in Annex 22 of Commission document C(2006)5186 (Schengen Handbook) and Annex 2 of Commission document C(2010)1620 (Visa Handbook). Updates to the list are published in the Official Journal of the EU and the European Commission's Official Website.
Finland only accepts documents mentioned in the list of residence permits issued by Member States as valid residence permits. The following documents are mentioned in the latest update under Italy: 1. Residence permits issued according to uniform format · see list for further information 2. All other documents issued to third-country nationals having equivalent value to a residence permit. Residence permits issued in paper format (based on national law) and their validity can range from a period of less than 3 months until the need ceases. · Carta di soggiorno con validità permanente e rilasciata prima dell'entrata in vigore del decreto legislativo 8 gennaio 2007, n. 3 che attua la direttiva 2003/109/CE per i soggiornanti di lungo periodo, equiparata dal decreto legislativo al permesso di soggiorno CE per i soggiornanti di lungo period (Residence card with a permanent validity and issued before the entry into force of Legislative Decree No. 3 of 08.01.2007 is in line with Directive 2003/109/EC and is made equal by the Legislative Decree to the residence permit for long-term residents EC) · Carta di soggiorno per familiari di cittadini dell'UE che sono i cittadini di paesi terzi con validità fino a cinque anni (Residence card for family members of EU citizens who are the nationals of third countries – validity up to five years) · Carta d'identità M. A. E. (Identity Card issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs) · List of persons participating in a school trip within the European Union.
Finland interprets that all acceptable document types are explicitly mentioned in the list and therefore all other documents are primarily not accepted. In other words Finland only accepts the two types of residence cards ("Carta di soggiorno") issued in paper format specifically mentioned above.
In addition residence cards and permanent residence cards issued according to Articles 10 and 20 of EC Directive No 38/2004 for third-country national family members of EU citizens also exempt the holder from the visa requirement when accompanying or joining their family member (EU citizen).
Based on the limited information you have provided it is unfortunately impossible to confirm if the "permission" you hold is acceptable or not.
The Finnish Border Guard advises direct travel to the country from which the permit has been applied in cases where third-country nationals hold documents authorizing re-entry to a certain Member State that are not recognized by other Member States.
Best Regards, Pentti Alapelto Rajatarkastusosaston päällikkö, komentajakapteeni Chief of Department, Lieutenant Commander RAJAVARTIOLAITOS THE FINNISH BORDER GUARD SUOMENLAHDEN MERIVARTIOSTO GULF OF FINLAND COAST GUARD DISTRICT Helsingin rajatarkastusosasto Helsinki Border Control Department e-mail: pentti.alapelto(at)raja.fi
Lähettäjä: Adriana Päiväys: 17. tammikuuta 2014 3.42.15 UTC+2 Vastaanottaja: Haapasaari Ville Aihe: Question about transfering via Helsinki, pls reply soon. thanks!
Dear Mr.Haapasaari,
My name is Adriana and I am Chinese with an Italian husband. I travel a lot between Italy and china, like once every 1.5 months, and I am very fond of transferring via Helsinki Airport. It’s been always a nice journey only that through my latest transfer in Jan. 2014 from Italy to China via Helsinki Airport, I have been told by the passport control guy that my Italian permission of staying will be no longer valid because my permission is a piece of paper and now since Dec, 2013, the whole EU require the permission of staying in the form of a bank card. He said that when I have returned in Italy at April (my return flight is April to Italy), I have to change my paper to card, or I won’t be able to transfer via Helsinki again, I will have to buy a direct flight from now.
I have told this new policy to my husband and he has been to the department that issued my permission. He got such answer: “In Italy, for the motive of working or studying, the government does issue the permission of staying in the form of a bank card. But for the motive of family reunion, the form will only be a piece of paper, actually this piece of paper is even better than a card, because usually its 5 year validation and after that, we will issue a permanent staying which will still be a piece of paper, only smaller. And we have not received any official announcement of replacing that paper into a card. ”
So please help me confirm if I will still be able to transfer via Helsinki Airport, because now I would like to buy my next flight ticket, I’d love to but I don’t know if I can buy from Finnair again.
P.S: My Italian permission of staying is valid until 21st Nov, 2016. And I have also an Italian ID CARD.
Waiting for your kind reply. Thanks and have a nice day!