i dunnoe that whether i love you ,but happy to stay with you.
sometimes,i get closed to you, i wanna hug u.wanna kiss you.
but,u have bf.even if ,he is not right here ..
i dunnoe i want to sex with u ,or just love u
so upset, so pain,
why do u come to me ...
why do u have bf
why am i getting married ...
such fuck..such a hell of the world..
怎么全是简写啊。自己写的还是抄来的?有几句没用问号。搞得我都不明白你是怎么表达的。什么叫why do u come to me ......你来我这做什么。是这样理解吗?i dunnoe(是我不知道吗?) i want to sex with u ,or just love u,你是不知道你想跟他做爱还是想爱他?
i dunnoe that whether i love you(我不知道我是否爱你) ,but happy to stay with you(但是和你在一起很开心).
sometimes(有时候),i get closed to you(这里应该译锁住你还是拥有你呢?), i wanna hug u(我想抱你).wanna kiss you(吻你).
but(但是),u have bf(你有男朋友).even if(这里的简写不明白) ,he is not right here ..(接着前面如果他不在那里)
i dunnoe i want to sex with u(我不知道我是想上你) ,or just love u(还是只爱你)
so upset, so pain,(如此心烦意乱,所以痛)
why do u come to me ...(为什么你来到我身边)
why do u have bf(为什么你有男朋友)
why am i getting married ...(为什么我结婚了?PS:实际上你是不是结婚了?)
such fuck..such a hell of the world..(这样***......这样一个地狱的世界......)